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Document Library

God’s Credibility: A Study from Isaiah

Alex shows how the fulfillment of God’s promises add to His credibility.

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Face to Face

Greg challenges us with what it means to “see” Jesus face to face.

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The Uniqueness of Unity

Unity brings benefits that nothing else can.

We Wish to See Jesus

Scott leads a discussion about seeing the nature and demands of Jesus.

Understanding Temptation – Part 3,

Eric and Jonathan conclude a discussion of the nature of temptation.

Understanding Temptation – Part 2,

Eric and Jonathan continue a discussion of the nature of temptation.

Understanding Temptation – Part 1,

Eric and Jonathan discuss the nature to temptation.

Son of David, Have Mercy on Us

An examination of the gracious nature of Jesus.

Confession: The Forgotten Commandment

A study on the benefits of confession.

What Will Your Legacy Be?

What Will Your Legacy Be?

Choose Ye This Day

A study of Joshua 24.

The Bible is the Inspired Word of God

The Unity of the Bible shows its inspired nature.

The Home

God’s plan for the home.

Fighting a Losing Battle

Don’t find yourselves fighting against God.

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From the Deep End (#003),

“Lydia’s Open Heart” – How did God Open Lydia’s heart? (Acts 16)

Recipe for Revival

Recipe for Revival

Three Steps in the Process of Repentance

An examination of the requirements of true repentance.

What is so Great about Christ‘s Church?

David reminds us of the special nature and characteristics of Jesus’ body – His church.

”Seeing the Divine During Difficulties”

Donnie uses Habakkuk’s engaging message to Judah to teach us a lesson about God’s nature.

From the Deep End (#002),

“Living by Faith”

Jonathan focuses our attention on Habakkuk’s prophecy about how one lives by faith. 

Maintaining Your Faith Through Loss

Eric’s caring heart provides encouragement to the faithful suffering through hardship.

From the Deep End (#001),

“All Sufficient Grace”

Jonathan Jenkins discusses the power of God’s grace to His people.

Letters to Asia: Ephesus

Michael challenges us with the message of Jesus to the church at Ephesus in Revelation 2.

Could You Not Wait with Me for One Hour?

Jordan makes an important application to us today about how we treat the leaders in our churches. The discussion centers upon Jesus’ trial in Matthew 26.

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Why are You Fearful?

An examination of Mark 4

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Lord, I Keep Getting Knocked Down

John 5:1-9

Grow and Go With God

An examination of 2 Peter 3.

Considering Eternity

“Considering Eternity”

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“Called Out of Lodebar”

Greg leads us in a discussion of David’s kindness toward Jonathan’s son.

“Led to Victory”

Wayne examines the Israelites crossing of the Jordan River and finds important parallels into our current cultural crisis.

“Who Am I?”

Matt examines the three parts of our being: Soul, Spirit, and Body.

”Three Practical Lessons from Judges” – Brandon Blankenship

“Three Practical Lessons from Judges”

”Comfortable in an Uncomfortable Place”

”Comfortable in an Uncomfortable Place”

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From the Deep End – (#1017),

12 Word Outline of the Old Testament – Abraham

From the Deep End – (#1016),

12 Word Outline of the Old Testament – Abraham

From the Deep End – (#1015), ,

“A Bible Question and Answer period with Dan Jenkins”

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From the Deep End – (#1014),

12 Word Outline of the Old Testament – Noah

From the Deep End – (#1013),

12 Word Outline of the Old Testament – Adam

From the Deep End (#1012), ,

A discussion of instrumental music in the church

Special Guest: Dan Jenkins

From the Deep End (#1011),

12 Word Outline of the Old Testament – (Part #2) – The New Testament

Cogitations – 9/28/2021,

A practical guide to how to handle abortion

The Mindful Soul – (Ep 9), ,

The Mindful Soul – (Ep 9) – “Music and Mental Health”

with Erica Grieves

The Mindful Soul – (Ep 8), ,

The Mindful Soul – (Ep 8) – “Understanding Personalities in the Church”

with Erica Grieves

The Mindful Soul – (Ep 7), ,

The Mindful Soul – (Ep 7) – “An examination of the nature of stress in our lives”

with Luvenia Jenkins

Romans – (Lesson #10)

Romans – (Lesson #10) – 1:24-1:32

Romans – (Lesson #9)

Romans – (Lesson #9) – 1:18-1:23

Romans – (Lesson #8)

Romans – (Lesson #8) – 1:17

Romans – (Lesson #7)

Romans – (Lesson #7) – 1:2-1:16

Romans – (Lesson #6)

Romans – (Lesson #6) – 1:8-1:11

Romans – (Lesson #5)

Romans – (Lesson #5) – 1:2-1:7

Romans – (Lesson #4)

Romans – (Lesson #4) – Introduction – 1:1

Romans – (Lesson #3)

Romans – (Lesson #3) – Introduction

Romans – (Lesson #2)

Romans – (Lesson #2) – Introduction

Romans – (Lesson #1)

Lesson #1 – Introduction to Romans

Adopting Abernathy’s – Managing Emotions – Ep. 8, ,

Charles and Christie discuss the challenges of managing the emotional swings that come with adoption.

Cogitations – 9/14/2021, ,

Second installment of a discussion of matter of opinion vs. matters of doctrine

Special Guest: Barry O’Dell

From the Deep End (#1010),

“12 Word Outline of the Old Testament” (Part 1)

Introduction to a survey of the theme of the Old Testament

From the Deep End (#1009),

“Does God view you as worthy of being …

From the Deep End (#1008), ,

Part 1 of a discussion about the use of Instrumental Music is the worship of the church.

From the Deep End (#1007)

Part Two of Jonathan’s discussion of the responsibility of those listening to a sermon

From the Deep End (#1006)

How to Listen to a Sermon
