Christianity Now s1e9 talking about the church ofChrist Is the church of Christ a denomination? Are members of the church of Christ Campbellites? Is Campbellism to the church of Christ as Calvinism to the denominations? Tune in and we will discuss these issues and more 12 views You may also like From the Deep End (#1019) Christian Living,Citizenship,Discipleship Charles Abernathy,From the Deep End,Jonathan Jenkins "Disney Princess Theology" with Charles Abernathy From the Deep End (#1018) Bible Study,Biographical,The Mystery of God From the Deep End,Jonathan Jenkins "12 Word Outline of the Old Testament - Abraham" Adopting Abernathys – Patience is the Name of the Game – 10_14_2021 Marriage/Family Adopting Abernathy's,Charles Abernathy,Christie Abernathy Steven Ford – A Biblical Perspective of Marriage – (1 Peter 3) Marriage/Family Steven Ford Steven Ford – A Biblical Perspective of Marriage – (Ephesians 5) Marriage/Family Steven Ford Steven Ford – A Biblical Perspective of Marriage – (1 Corinthians 7) Marriage/Family Steven Ford Steven Ford – A Biblical Perspective of Marriage – (Matthew 19) Marriage/Family Steven Ford Steven Ford – A Biblical Perspective of Marriage (Genesis 1-2) Marriage/Family Steven Ford Shun Evans – What Will Your Legacy Be -10_18_2021 Discipleship Shun Evans Scott Wright – We Wish to See Jesus – 10_25_2021 Jesus/Christ/Word,Salvation Scott Wright «1…168169170171172…231»Page 170 of 231