Christianity Now s1e9 talking about the church ofChrist Is the church of Christ a denomination? Are members of the church of Christ Campbellites? Is Campbellism to the church of Christ as Calvinism to the denominations? Tune in and we will discuss these issues and more 10 views You may also like 1:28:59 Hymn Editing Session Hymn Editing Session 3:15 Studies in Second Corinthians 11/9/23 Beginning at Second Corinthians 1:12 1:00:16 Studies in Second Corinthians 11/9/23 Beginning at Second Corinthians 1:12 1:11:37 Do What Jesus Said – sermon in song Do What Jesus Said - sermon in song 59:59 Studies in Second Corinthians Introduction, Ch 1 Beginning 1:06:38 Unashamed of the Gospel – Sermon in song Unashamed of the Gospel - Sermon in song 1:18:00 You Have Given – Sermon in song You Have Given - Sermon in song 38:45 Studies in First Corinthians 10/26/23 First Corinthians 11 concluded 1:45:44 Studies in First Corinthians 10/20/23 A discussion about the Lord's Supper from Chapter 11:17ff 59:25 Studies in First Corinthians 10/20/23 A discussion about the Lord's Supper from Chapter 11:17ff «1…3031323334…231»Page 32 of 231