Christianity Now s1e9 talking about the church ofChrist Is the church of Christ a denomination? Are members of the church of Christ Campbellites? Is Campbellism to the church of Christ as Calvinism to the denominations? Tune in and we will discuss these issues and more 10 views You may also like 1:01:25 Connect Gospel meeting 1:04:41 The Pattern Of Mercy – Sermon in Song The Pattern Of Mercy - Sermon in Song 1:00:02 Connect gospel meeting Gospel meeting 59:25 Studies in First Corinthians 7/6/23 Today's discussion will conclude our study in First Corinthians 7. YPC Connect Connect for Friday July 7, 2023 Speaker: Chandler Francis Topic: "The ... 1:40:31 Cogitations Tuesday Night Stream, nakedness, modesty, and shamefacedness s5e120 Hello, DBS, folk. I will still be going live tonight. Since the ... 44:41 connect gospel meeting connect gospel meeting 3:46 Connect gospel meeting 45:48 Studies in First Corinthians 5/29/23 Today's discussion will continue our study in First Corinthians 7. 40:53 Cogitations about a “come and see” approach to evvangleism s5e115 I recently preached a sermon about evangleism and the kinds of people ... «1…3637383940…231»Page 38 of 231