Paul Mays – “Back to the Bible” – 1/24/2023

Paul Mays – “Back to the Bible” – 1/24/2023
Back To Bible Bible

Servant Rob Whitacre champions the super effective evangelism tool called “back to the Bible”. The late Bobby Bates put this method together. Rob has three points to guide us to effectively use back to the Bible. If Rob’s guideline is followed, and the person makes it through all three studies, there is a 90% chance of conversion! Church, we need to use back to the Bible.

Paul has written Rob’s guidelines into a companion teaching Hymn called “Back To The Bible”. Tonight at 7 PM eastern Paul will deliver that sermon in song. We will set up the topic and listen to the hymn. While the hymn plays you’ll see all of the lyrics and all of the scriptures referenced that support all of the lyrics. Then we will examine together all of those lyrics and all of those scriptures. Join us.

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