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What is the Church?

Progressives have successfully shifted our language. We have ceded ground to them they do not own. Their efforts have created enough ambiguity and fluidity around the nature of the church that many no longer believe in the concept of a non-denominational church of Christ. The surest path back is to reclaim the language. The definition of the “church” is as fixed as the definition of a “woman.”

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Instrumental Music and Expediency

What does the audience hear in the debate? It hears inconsistency. Our argument sounds contrived. It contradicts their own experience. The singing they have done for their entire life has been helped by instruments of music. Now, we are compelled to convince them that their perception contradicts reality. It is a tough sell. The progressive has placed us in exactly the right position to sway the undecided in our congregations.

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Should I Tithe?

Facebook Twitter Youtube A common doctrine taught today in the world of “Christendom” is that of tithing. Many church buildings are full of parishioners being told that they must give 10% of their gross earnings to their church. They are told that by doing so they will reap great blessings. Adversely, they are told that

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